
Better to Speak is a Black youth-led community media platform working to transform silence into language and action.

Through content, community engagement, and communications, Better to Speak amplifies the voices and stories of Black people and communities, equips them with storytelling tools, and cultivates a cultural narrative of self and community actualization.

<aside> 💡 Please note that as we grow our capacity, volunteer + contributor roles are unpaid.

We are happy to discuss and offer bartered compensation – including resume, website/portfolio development, review, or editing; marketing and content strategy consultation(s) for your personal and/or business brand.

All roles will require at most 4-6 hours of your time each week and up to 2 hours for those volunteering for any community events that Better to Speak may be hosting or attending.


Here’s where we currently need support! ⤵️

Volunteer + Contributor Roles

How To Apply

Most of the roles we’re seeking can be inquired about by emailing [email protected] with the following information:

Please click to open each role type to see the specific application information/next steps. Thanks!